
We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization operated completely by volunteers and funded by supporters like you. 100% of your donation goes to the ministry, and we appreciate your contribution with any of the following methods:

Click the button above to donate securely through your PayPal account. Your donation receipt will be sent from PayPal Giving Fund directly. On the donation form, please share your name and email with us so that we can receive your donation information.

PayPal Giving Fund does not charge our ministry any processing fee. 100% of your donation will go to the ministry. If you don’t have a PayPal account, you can easily and securely sign up for one here.

If your bank offers Zelle service, you can send your donation through Zelle.


**Please indicate on the memo your email address so that we can send you a donation receipt. You can also email us directly to inform us of your donation.

BY CHECK (in US dollars)
Payable to: ACTS Performing Arts Ministries
Mailing address: 1118 Cardinal Ave, Sugar Land, TX 77478, USA

**Please include your email address so that we can send you a donation receipt

**If sending through a charity fund, our federal tax (EIN)# 85-2095331
Organization address: 13311 Larkhill Gardens Ln, Sugar Land, TX 77498

Mailing address: 1118 Cardinal Ave, Sugar Land, TX 77478

Click the button above to donate securely with your credit or debit card. The transaction will be processed securely through the PayPal system, and your donation receipt will be sent from PayPal directly.

**PayPal will charge the ministry a processing fee with this option, so we encourage you to donate with the other 3 options if feasible.